01462 451 300

Special Offers

As a thank you for choosing Hitchin Dental Care as your practice, we are delighted to bring you these special offers.


Initial cosmetic consultation

If you are considering cosmetic dental treatment such as teeth straightening or whitening, please book an initial consultation with our treatment coordinator.

This is an opportunity for you to visit the practice and discuss any specific treatment needs you have. No clinical examination will be carried out.

If you decide to go ahead with a cosmetic treatment, this will be subject to a full clinical assessment to check that your teeth are healthy and suitable for treatment. Please note, this is a chargeable appointment.

Denplan logo care quality logo BDA logo invisalign teeth straightening logo englighten teeth whitening logo practice plant logo boutique teeth whitening logo Sweden and Martina logo
5 Paynes Park,Hitchin, Herts, SG5 1EH
01462 451 300
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