Treatment for gum (Periodontal) Disease – Results at Hitchin Dental Care speak for themselves.

30 January 2017

Our periodontist, Dr Dhru Shah spent the day reassessing patients that had just completed a course of advanced non-surgical periodontal treatment. He comments ‘the key is understanding patient motivation and engaging with them so they can get the most out of the treatment’. Sometimes, good communication can be overlooked in trying to reach a satisfactory outcome in the treatment of periodontal disease. However, good patient motivation combined with top level patient care can deliver amazing results with professional non surgical root debridement.

Have a look at the charts below. The shaded areas reflect the sites showing active disease. You can see the before photos show multiple areas where the disease is thriving. However, after treatment the number areas have dropped dramatically.

At Hitchin Dental Care, we hope to look after and deliver such results for all our patients so that they can strive to keep their teeth for a lifetime.

If you would like to know more. Feel free to get in touch.

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